We examine communication over slowly-varying flat-fading additive white Gaussian noise channels with delayed channel state information feedback to the transmitter and finite decoding delay constrai
© 2020 Optical Society of America We demonstrate a hybrid silicon tunable laser with wide tunability and rapid switching speed for applications in sensing and optical networks.
We report the first demonstration of broadly electrically tunable (215 angstroms), narrow-band (~20 angstroms full width at half maximum), wavelength selective, grating-assisted coupling between ve
We describe the structure and performance of tunable four- quantum-well InGaAs/InGaAsP distributed Bragg reflector lasers.
In the study of polymer solutions with experimental techniques sensitive to overall chain dimensions it is difficult to distinguish between worm-like polymers with equal persistence lengths but wit
Private matching solutions allow two parties to find common data elements over their own datasets without revealing any additional private information.
In this paper, we present a brokering logic for providing precise QoS levels to cloud applications distributed across a number of different business actors, such as network service providers and cl
Photochemical release (uncaging) of bioactive messengers with three-dimensional spatial resolution in light-scattering media would be greatly facilitated if the photolysis could be powered by pairs
The dependence of bromine/methanol polishing of InP on a number of major parameters-wafer area, applied pressure, rotational speed, and flow rate-has been studied in detail.
Boundary-Scan (B-S) strategies require successful coordination of B-S activities for the devices integrated on boards and systems.