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In order to provide a consistent view of work functions which can be supported by successive releases of hospital information systems, a hospital business model was developed.

New materials and processes are pacing the race for smaller and faster electronic and photonic devices.

Indoor location estimation is a significant task for many ubiquitous and pervasive computing applications, with numerous solutions based on IEEE802.11, bluetooth, ultrasound and infrared technologi

The connected car is likely to play a fundamental role in the foreseeable Internet of Things. The connectivity aspect in combination with the available data (e.g.

Classification is an important problem in data mining.

We consider the design of resilient networks that are fault tolerant against single link failures.

Conventional robot systems operate slowly and methodically, often playing back a pretaught sequence ofpositions.

The growing importance of operations such as packet-content inspection, packet classification based on non-IP headers, maintaining flow-state, etc.

We present the architecture and implementation of a system, called Cygnet, that makes it simple to implement media-rich, interactive cloud services.

Mobile applications (apps), because of their utility, are receiving considerable attention.