Wireless access networks display a large degree of network redundancy as there are multiple networks run by several network operators in parallel.
This paper presents initial findings on how Ambient Networks technology will enable new ways to establish and manage access and service provisioning from a business perspective.
Visualization of management tools has become a must in the past decade.
5G will change the mobile communication business ecosystem by introducing location specific high-quality wireless networks that can by operated by different stakeholders.
Collaborative research has taken its place as a mainstream innovation process.
Business Planning is a process of deciding what an organization will do to be successful, and how it will do it.
Complex distributed applications such as those envisaged in 5G will be built as compositions of independent services.
New value added services such as Gaming On Demand, VoIP, videoconferencing and cloud computing services has been translated into strong Quality of Service guarantee requirement.
As the author have spent most of his professional life in a mixture of telecoms and semiconductors, talking about the relevance of analog technology to these domains is a fairly obvious choice.
We consider approximation algorithms for buy-at-bulk network design, with the additional constraint that demand pairs be protected against edge or node failures in the network.