Eighty-nine 42.7 Gbit/s, 100 GHz-spaced WDM channels in a 72 nm seamless band were transmitted over 40 x 100 km of fibre using carrier-suppressed return-to-zero differential-phase-shift-keyed modul
A broad-band Mach-Zehnder-interferometer-synchronized flat-top arrayed waveguide grating is presented with a 0.5-dB bandwidth of 12 nm over 90 nm of spectral range and a central excess loss value o
Broad-hand and pulsewidth maintained wavelength conversion based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) consisting of l-km high-nonlinearity dispersion-shifted fiber (HNL-DSF) is realized in the
If the voltage and current with their relative phases at any point in a transmission line can be sampled, the sample outputs can be combined in various ways, to give a standing-wave monitor, a powe
Tunability of optical signal filters such as fiber Bragg gratings is important for high volume data communications.
We present a compact 15-mode multi-plane light conversion device with a linear fiber array input, Hermite-Gaussian modes output, 8 phase masks and 8?
The incentive for this work arises from the need for IF amplifiers in short hop radio systems.
This paper assesses the main challenges associated with the propagation and channel modeling of broadband radio systems in a complex environment of high speed and metropolitan railways.
GaN-based HEMT's have demonstrated better power-frequency performances than other devices using smaller band gap semiconductor materials.
Broadband networking refers to data transmission at rates above 2Mb/s up to 600 mb/s from the customer interface.