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A 1 Tb/s option is demonstrated with commercially available transmitter components. A 40Gb/s GaAs I/Q modulator product has been applied at 43 Gbd symbolrate and PM-16QAM modulation.

We report for the first time a 1 Tb/s transmission over a single core fiber, by using 10 spatial modes, namely the two polarization modes of 5 distinct spatial modes.

1 Tb/s of total capacity optical networking with 4 A/D nodes based on 100 GHz spaced channels modulated with 40 Gb/s by using the integrated wavelength Add/Drop device is demonstrated.

We have developed and demonstrated a new, ultra-high speed optical technique for probing internal nodes of integrated circuits, known as external electro-optic sampling, Temporal resolution of less

We describe an external electro-optic technique for characterising high-speed electrical signals in two-dimensional electrode structures of devices and integrated circuits fabricated on any substra

The high yield of 1,8-diethynylanthracene (4) in two convenient steps from 1,8 dichloroanthracene is reported.

The synthesis and chloride complexing properties of 1,8-naphthalenediylbis (dichloroborane) are reported.

Quantum Dashes (QDashes), some elongated and self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures are interesting candidates as building blocks for new laser devices with promising performances.

We have demonstrated a successful, error-free 1-Tb/s transmission experiment over 342 km of TrueWave(R) fiber using 40 Gb/s OTDM (optical time-division multiplexing) transmitter and 3R receiver.

We demonstrate a 1-Tb/s dual-carrier PDM-16QAM interface (640-Gb/s per subcarrier), created by all-electronic multiplexing to 80-Gbaud.