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This paper describes two integrated RF receivers with low noise and high linearity for GSM900 and DCS1800 base stations. The chips were fabricated using a 0.25-μm BiCMOS process.

High resolution lithographic techniques, such as electron beam, x-ray and deep UV lithography, place stringent demand on the resist materials, process and pattern transfer technology.

The AlGaAs/GaAs selectively doped heterostructure transistor (SDHT) is ideally suited to a submicron recess etch gate process, since the channel of the FET is confined to a two-dimension electron g

A deep UV projection system has been developed by modifying a commercial step and repeat exposure tool to operate at 248nm with an all-quartz lens and a KrF excimer laser.

A cursory examination of a visible laser beam incident on any refracting or reflecting system will show that energy is scattered from the laser beam.

We report the performances of a 0.7-µm InP/GaInAs DHBT developed in III-V Lab demonstrating both fT and fMAX of 400 GHz as well as a high fabrication yield and homogeneity on a 3-inch wafer.

The first 10 Gbit/s DWDM transmission at 12.5 GHz spacing without polarisation division multiplexing or polarisation interleaving is demonstrated.

We demonstrate the first 10Gb/s DWDM transmission at 12.5GHz spacing without polarization division multiplexing or polarization interleaving.

We demonstrate the first 10Gb/s DWDM transmission at 12.5GHz spacing without polarization division multiplexing or polarization interleaving.

We demonstrate for the first time the use of asymmetric-bandwidth interleaver based ROADM to transmit 42.7-Gb/s channels on a 50-GHz grid.