There are many limitations in portraying our three-dimensional environment on a two-dimensional surface.
This tutorial will focus on personalization of web services, and of "converged" services, i.e. services that combine capabilities of multiple kinds of networks (wireline voice, wireless, data).
In this work, dynamically-tunable, superlyophobic surfaces capable of undergoing a transition from profound superlyophobic behavior to almost complete wetting have been demonstrated for the first t
In this work, dynamically-tunable, superlyophobic surfaces capable of undergoing a transition from profound superlyophobic behavior to almost complete wetting have been demonstrated for the first t
This paper describes a mathematical approach to transistor sizing.
This paper describes "The Periscope", a probe tested in the Paris underground to better understand users' relation to space in mobility.
Discusses the factors involved in the use of small-diameter co-axial cables in carrier systems.
Mobile-based branchless banking has become a key mechanism for enabling financial inclusion in the developing world.
"A collection of Polish recipes and other favorites from Harrah, Oklahoma"--T.p. verso.
" T h e Stethophone," An Electrical Stethoscope B y H . A . F R E D E R I C K and H . F . D O D G E 1.
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