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A L T H O U G H the process of electrostatic deposition of metals by high voltages in a partial vacuum, commonly known as cathode sputtering, has been known for more than a half century, it has her

Neutralization of these amplifiers is considered in relation to power amplification, stability and feedback.

Expressions are given for the frequency and required gain of the Colpitts oscillator with grounded anode, and for standard and cathode follower forms with RLC and RC phase-shifting networks.

CdSe(x)Te(1-x) films have been electrodeposited by the co-reduction of a tellurium substrate (to telluride) and soluble SeS0(3- 2) (to selenide) in the presence of cadium complexes.

Cathodic protection has been in common usage on petroleum pipe lines since about 1910 and has also been applied successfully to a considerable variety of other structures.

This work is focused on the characterization of different defects introduced on InP material during the fabrication of classical photonic structures (ridge waveguides, ...).

Ridge waveguides fabricated by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching using chlorine-based gases were studied by spectrum image cathodoluminescence (CL).

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2019. We consider inverse problems in which the unknown target includes sharp edges, for example interfaces between different materials.

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a model of reactive systems in which signals are time-dependent values, and signal functions are functions between signals.

A detailed account (including 20 literature references) of work directed towards the identification and classification of deleterious phenomena associated with the contamination of silicon by "non