Cellular mobile telephone systems are rapidly going into service throughout the Continental United States.
As new cellular systems continue to come on line, and older systems expand their coverage areas, there are more frequent opportunities to network systems together to form effective larger systems f
Cellular mobile radio and residential cordless telephones are two new communication techniques with rapidly growing public acceptance.
Most experiments on the directional solidification of binary mixtures are carried out on materials with small values of the partition coefficient K (the equilibrium ratio of the impurity concentrat
INTRODUCTION: This paper describes technical and operational experiences and realities encountered in the early life cycle of commercial cellular radio systems in the United States.
The threat of catastrophic events on public utility systems is an ever-present threat.
In this paper, multi-cell processing for the uplink of a cellular system is studied in the presence of orthogonal channels of fixed capacity between mobile stations in adjacent cells (conferencing)
the telephone Bell System a INinsulated wiretheisplant of thelead covered the large quantity of textile employed for wiring switchboards and connecting them to incoming cables.
transmission required THE improved standards of have greatly increased for present-day telephone communication the importance of improved electrical characteristics for telephone central office wir
I have been asked to give an interview for a PD thesis regarding the management and coordination of collaborative projects, as coordinator of the100GET-AL project (finished in 2010).