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An often neglected approach to choosing the right telephone switching system is to consider the views of the three parties involved rather than the circuit and component characteristics of systems.

We investigate the influence of filter bandwidth and flank steepness of both multiplexing (MUX) and demultiplexing (DEMUX) filters in dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems (spectral

A new method is proposed for checking the equivalence of two irredundant logic implementations of a combinational Boolean function.

Choice based sampling refers to a sampling situation, often occurring in market research experiments, where it is necessary to stratify the population according to the choices individuals make and

Gill, Golub, Murray and Saunders have described 5 methods by which the Cholesky factors of a positive-definite matrix may be updated when the matrix is subjected to a symmetric rank- one modificati

When using semantic technologies developers are frequently confused about which specific inferencing technique is best to use for a given problem.

The usefulness of x-ray scattering in the development of new materials is well- recognized as is the enormous advantages afforded by an x-ray synchrotron s source.

Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the number, range and symmetry of wavelengths used to measure chromatic dispersion of optical fibers have a large effect on measurement repeatability of zero di

Chromium treatment of Zn plating substantially increases its corrosion-resisting properties. The method of treatment and the resulting appearance, lustre and colour, are described in detail.

A new technique for measuring the chromatic dispersion of a fiber or component is presented that does not require a tunable laser.