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Low-pitch helix waveguide closely wound from insulated wire has been shown to be a good transmission medium for circular electric waves.

In a curved section of cylindrical waveguide the circular electric wave couples to the T E n , T E J 2 , TEi 3 · · · modes and to the TMn mode.1 The coupling to the TMn mode presents the most serio

Iii curved sections of round waveguide the TE 0 i - wave couples to the TM a and TEi,, waves, and power is converted to these waves when the TEoi wave is transmitted through bends.

Here we show a planar optical circuit design that takes light from an input waveguide and creates a focused azimuthally or radially polarized beam emanating from the surface of the substrate.

900 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JULY 1 9 5 8 of normal modes.

The polarization dependence of the low field microwave photoconductivity and absorption of a two-dimensional electron system has been investigated in a quasioptical setup in which linear and any ci

We have investigated the influence of the polarization of the incident radiation on the recently discovered microwave-induced resistance oscillations in state-of-the-art highest purity 2D electron

A MONG the considerations which limit the minimum working net losses 1 of tvvo-wire cable circuits, one of the most important is the desirability of avoiding excessive circulating currents.

With the advancement of machine learning (ML) and its growing awareness, more organizations who own data but not ML expertise would like collaborate with those who do to train ML models.

We examine the cladding mode resonances of fiber gratings UV written into the core of a novel microstructured fiver whose air regions are subsequently infused with polymer.