The design of S combines three philosophies, each used in an informal way: object-oriented programming, functional languages, and interfaces.
The CLASSIC Knowledge Representation System represents a new generation of frame-based description systems, emphasizing simplicity of the description language and completeness and tractability of i
CLASSIC/DB is a data model that encourages the description of objects not only in terms of their relations to other known objects, but in terms of their conceptual structure as well.
We show that communication without a shared reference frame is possible by employing entangled states.
We consider two aspects of quantum game theory: the extent to which the quantum solution solves the original classical game, and to what extent the new solution can be obtained in a classical model
We develop two and three-body classical interatomic potentials that model structural energies for silicon.
There are three interdependent factors that drive our development processes: interval. quality and cost.
This paper offers a characterization of fundamental limits on the classification and reconstruction of high-dimensional signals from low-dimensional features, in the presence of side information.
R I D G E methods have been used for the measurement of impedance from the very beginning of alternating current use.
Today's networks become increasingly complex due to the presence of multiple radio access technologies (RATs) and various network layers.