An Optical Network Unit based on colourless detection of optical frequency modulated signals based on a combination of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Reflective Electroabsorption modulator wit
The COM2 SiGe modular BiCMOS technology has been developed to allow efficient design and manufacturing of digital, mixed-signal, and RF integrated circuits, as well as enabling system-on-chip (SOC)
A multi-wavelength source for optical transmitters delivers narrow-linewidth carriers with 100-GHz spacing spanning the C and L bands.
We discuss and compare the performance of two promising nonlinear signal multiplexing schemes, namely the b-modulation and continuous spectrum modulation, using nonlinear Fourier transform to comba
We show that dispersion-impaired slotted WDM optical rings can be maintained synchronous with a single, bypassable dispersion compensation module (DCM) per node.
In this paper, we describe the combination of two different techniques to improve natural language call routing: boosting and discriminative training.
It is known that the complexity of test generation for acyclic sequential circuits is similar to that of combinational ATPG.
In sparse approximation theory, the fundamental problem is to reconstruct a signal A element of R sup n from linear measurements (A, psi sub i) with respect to a dictionary of psi sub i's.
The Colonel Blotto game is a renowned resource allocation problem with a long-standing literature in game theory (almost 100 years).
Telecommunication networks are now an interconnection of competitive operators that need to cooperate to ensure end-to-end delivery of traffic.