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This paper discusses conjectures based on the combinatorial optimization problem of maximizing w(F) over a specified collection of families F of subsets of {1,...,n}, where w is defined first on th

In order to protect copyrighted material, codes may be embedded in the content or codes may be associated with the keys used to recover the content.

The term 'hierarchical' has often been used to describe connecting networks in which the possible routes for a call are ordered, with the S65 866 TI-IE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, M A Y - J U N

This paper introduces nondeterministic walks, a new variant of one-dimensional discrete walks.

The information capacity of wireless communication systems may be increased dramatically by employing multiple transmit and receive antennas.

This paper proposes a hybrid circuit between a conformal strongly-coupled magnetic resonance (CSCMR) and a strongly-coupled magnetic resonance (SCMR), for better wireless power transmission (WPT).

We consider a network, with fixed topology and link bandwidths, that offers multiple services, such as voice and data, each having characteristic price elasticity to demand, and quality of service

We consider a network, with fixed topology and link bandwidths, that offers multiple services, such as voice and data, each having characteristic price elasticity to demand, and quality of service

We find that strongly filtered pi/2-DPSK is better immuned against PMD whereas DPSK has better tolerance towards GVD.

We address the problem of mitigating a dominant alien near-end crosstalker such as HDSL, SDSL or HPNA in DMT-based ADSL and VDSL receivers.

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