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We have developed models and techniques for combining network economics and engineering over several scales of time and size, of which three will be described in the talk.

Advanced automation is needed in future mobile networks to provide adequate service quality economically and with high reliability.

A novel equalization technique for Discrete multitone (DMT) based modems is proposed which incorporates receiver windowing operations.

Combining verification methods developed separately for software and hardware is motivated by the industry's need for a technology that would make formal verification of realistic software/hardware

In this paper we illustrate the performance of terminated convolutional LDPC codes in combination with spectrally efficient modulation (as a generic front-end), and show that classic LDPC design ph

We propose a novel method to maximise the aggregate throughput of an enhanced IEEE 802.15.4 gateway.

In model transformations, where source models are automatically translated into target models or code, termination is necessary for the transformation to be well defined.

An enterprise uses VPNs, leased from a service provider, to interconnect multiple sites that are geographically apart.

Indoor environmental quality has been found to impact employees' productivity in the long run, yet it is unclear its impact in the short term.

The Telstar satellite includes circuits designed to perform two basic experiments: (i) a communications experiment using a wideband, active repeater and (u) a radiation experiment designed to provi

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Nokia Bell Labs innovation timeline


A bit of tech: Episode 1- A Century of Innovation