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In this letter we comment on partial parallel interference cancellation as discussed in a recent paper.

It is crucial to us that our vendors be able to provide us with services, both training services and consulting services.

Transmission of classified information normally requires the use of a channel which provides end-to-end security.

Over recent years, the method of two-scale expansions has been applied to the problem of the fourth moment of waves propagating in random media with a great deal of success.

AT&T in a joint effort with the United States Army Laboratory Command and the United States Army Communications-Electronics Command implemented a program to reduce the life cycle costs of a pie

The paper describes three new radio receivers. They are designed to handle telegraphy, and continuous wave, as well as modulated continuous wave and telephony.

There are a number of practical tools available in the commercial market today for building knowledge based expert systems.

Silicon microrings can find a wide range of applications in optical interconnects and communications.

Certain parts of the design of equipments of wide-band, non-loaded and open-wire carrier systems are considered.