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The Telstar I satellite was launched into orbit by a three-stage Delta vehicle 011 July 10, 1962, at the Atlantic Missile Range.

Commensurate and incommensurate charge ordering in La sub (1-x) Ca sub x MnO sub 3 are investigated by high resolution electron microscopy at low temperatures.

In the review article on cholesteric blue phases by Stegemyer et al.1 the crystal habit of blue I (BPI) is shown with [001] facets (mentioned in Table 3 and shown in Fig.17).

Matsukevich and Kuzmich (Reports, 22 October 2004, p. 663) claim to have produced several types of nearly maximally entangled states involving photons and atomic ensembles.

This comment points out an inaccurate formula relating the signal correlation coefficient to the mutual impedance and corrects it.

Recently, Parmigiani et al. [1] have presented core level photoemission data for Pt clusters on Teflon and SiO sub 2.

In a recent Physical Review Letter Himpsel et al. reported a photoabsorption study of the Ca 2p and F 1s absorption edges for a new monolayers of CaF sub 2 epitaxially grown on Si(111).

In the above paper, 1 Kleinman and Kisliuk state that "Fox and Li have investigated these configurations and the corresponding frequencies and losses for interferometers consisting of perfectly ref

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