In a recent letter M. Lilly et al have shown that a highly anisotropic state can arise in certain 2D electron systems. (This effect has also now been seen by another group).
In two recent papers, Leiberich and Wolfe reported hydrogen depth profiles of ion implanted garnet films, measured by elastic recoil analysis.
EXAFS measurements were done on Al(6)Mn in icosahedral and orthorhombic forms by Stern, Ma, and Bouldin [E.A. Stern, Y. Ma, C.E. Bouldin, Phys. Rev. Lett.
The de-activation of electrically active shallow levels due to boron in silicon by reaction with atomic hydrogen has recently been reported.
In a recent paper [J. Appl. Phys.
This is a comment about a recent paper by Levine & Steinhardt concerning "Quasicrystals".
In three recent publications microwave surface resistance measurements have been reported for CePd sub 3 and UPt sub 3.
The recently-published letter "Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations and Transient Magnetospheric Signatures" by sibeck, Baumjohann, and Lopez (1989; hereafter referred to as sBL) reports "solar w
In a recent letter, Banyai and Koch claim that in relatively large laser-excited semiconductor microspheres static plasma screening of the Coulomb interaction gives rise to an exciton blue shift.
It is well known that the dispersion curve of liquid He II at the saturated vapor pressure is anomalous, i.e., the phase velocity has a maximum at finite wave vectors.