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We apply probabilistic shaping in direct detection pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) systems.

In this paper we present duo-binary signaling as an alternative for signaling schemes like PAM4 and Ensemble NRZ that are currently being considered as ways to achieve data rates of 56 Gb/s over co

A 56-Gbaud (224-Gb/s line rate) polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keyed (PDM-QPSK) signal is transmitted over 2,500 km (32 x 80 km) of fiber and is coherently detected using

A 56-Gbaud (224-Gb/s line rate) polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keyed (PDMQPSK) signal is transmitted over 2,500 km (32 x 80 km) of fiber and is coherently detected using t

This work demonstrates a 56-Gbps 4-PAM EML-based transmission system.

A 56-Gbps 4-PAM system that uses an electro-absorption modulated distributed feedback laser at wavelength of 1293 nm and a semiconductor optical amplifier is demonstrated for 37.8-km transmission w

A novel monolithic QPSK-ready transmitter source based on prefixed phase switching by fast EAMs has been realized on InP using a flexible photonic integrating circuit technology.

We report a variable-gain and variable-bandwidth differential linear transimpedance amplifier (TIA-VGA) realised in a 0.7-µm indium phosphide (InP) double heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) t

We transmit 16 WDM 20-Gbd QPSK channels over 12 spatial and polarization modes of 590- km few-mode fiber at a spectral-efficiency-distance product of 9440 km bit/s/Hz.

This paper present an overview of the 5ESS Switch Operator Services Position System Directory Inquiry (OSPS-DI) architecture and gives a brief account of the features and capabilities of the system