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The 5ESS TM Switch provides a highly modular architecture which has bben designed with evolution and extensibility as its basic requirements.

Customers constantly demand better product performance and support from their vendors. Vendors want to meet that challenge in the most effective, efficient way possible.

With the installation of the 5E4(1) generic at Oakbrook, Illinois in 1986, the 5ESS(R) Switch provided a proprietary realization of ISDN based on Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) coding of the level

Using the ISDN capabilities of the 5ESS(R) Switch, AT&T's first international ISDN trails scheduled to start in Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC), in 1989.

With the introduction of the 5E6 software, the 5ESS(R) Switch will take another step toward the Information Age by offering advanced information services, as well as the capability to evolve with a

This presentation describes the Execution Environment System (EES), a general-purpose processor that is used to provide a pre-laboratory testing environment for the 5ESS(R) Switch generic program.

The ISDN standard interfaces open the door to a host of new capabilities and improved features for the business customer.

In conventional computer systems, upgrading the system to provide more features and higher performance often involves archiving software, taking the system down, replacing the system and making old