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A photoluminescence technique to predict the lasing wavelength of channeled substrate buried heterostructure lasers at wafer level is described.

A photonic circuit is described that extracts DS1 channels from an FT3C signal and uniformly spaces their data bits.

Recent advances in photonics have prompted new widespread interest in photonic switches with capacities orders of magnitude higher than possible with electronics.

Recent advances in photonics have prompted new widespread interest in photonic switches with capacities orders of magnitude higher than possible with electronics.

Photonic switching technology is capable of transmitting data at extremely high bandwidths; however, it is not well suited for performing the control functions because of the difficulty in implemen

We present a Photonic Spectral Processor (PSP) that provides both fine spectral resolution and broad bandwidth support by dispersing light over two-dimensional space using the crossed-grating appro

A switching demonstration display has been built to show the feasibility and potential use of guided-wave photonic switching.

We introduce and experimentally demonstrate a novel optical current sensor using a coil combined with an optical transducer for metering and protective relaying application.

Unlike in copper or wireless networks, there is no sharing of resources in fiber access networks yet, other than bit stream access or cable sharing, in which the fibers of a cable are let to one or

Charge trapping and interface-state generation at the Si/SiO2 interface have been characterized from the results of pulse- aging and radiation damage experiments conducted on the n-channel Si-Gate