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The implementation and architecture of a 172,163 transistor single-chip general purpose microprocessor will be described.

A planar InP/InGaAsP avalanche photodiode with a reduced junction curvature and low p-type doping was fabricated by Be(+) implantation through a photoelectrochemically etched InGaAs mask.

A new type of AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor which employs a 2D-hole gas base formed by planar doping using molecular beam epitaxy has been demonstrated.

An integrated polarimeter using thermo-optic phase shifters, 4%-delta Ge-doped silica waveguides and requiring only a single detector is presented.

An integrated polarimeter using thermo-optic phase shifters, 4%-∆ Ge-doped silica waveguides and requiring only a single detector is presented.

Plastic-clad silica (PCS) fibers having a rubbery cladding offer a distinct advantage for chemical sensing applications in that small molecule chemical species will diffuse through the cladding ver

This paper presents a proportionate normalized least-mean-square (PNLMS) algorithm using individual activation factors for each adaptive filter coefficient, instead of a global activation factor as

A key criterion in the design of high-speed networks is the probability that the buffer content exceeds a given threshold.

A new polarization independent semiconductor laser amplifier is presented. By using a regular semiconductor amplifier in a double pass configuration, polarization independent gain is achieved.

Cross-talk arising from gain saturation effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) causes major system impairments in WDM transmission of multiple optical channels.