In proteomic studies, a population of proteins are often examined on a gel using a technique called two-dimensional gel eletrophoresis.
In this paper we examine the portability of the vector-based call router to a new task involving calls to the operator in the UK.
We have developed a method to accumulate and store fast positrons from a sup (22) Na radioactive source in an electrostatic trap using a tungsten moderator and inelastic collisions with nitrogen mo
The stimulated emission from mnjection lasers is usually laser polarized in the TE mode.
Intrinsic material low-loss limits in optical fiber materials are primarily set by Rayleigh scattering losses from frozen- in density fluctuations.
To host time-sensitive applications in video-dominated networks, 5G calls for a tighter convergence of IT and (optical) transport.
By A. L. SAMUEL E A R E witnessing a r a p i d e x p a n s i o n a n d extension in t h e use of r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
Packet processing is a critical operation in a high-speed router, and in order for this router to achieve memory efficient and fast O(1) lookup operations, Bloom filters (BFs) have been widely used
Femtocells constitute a promising solution to increase the data rates of next generation wireless demands, not only by extending the coverage, but also by acting as relays to achieve diversity gain
For several years the communications industry has been studying the possible application of distributed computing systems in communications networks.