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The characteristic absence of relaxation oscillation peak in quantum cascade lasers is demonstrated for the first time by high-speed modulation response measurements along with its digital high-spe

Absenteeism of Operators: A Statistical Study with Managerial Applications By Y.

Systematic studies of binding energies for the electron excitation of core levels for atoms, molecules and solids have been calculated with various density functional theories.

We have described a quick and easy method of TOF calibration based upon in situ variation of the flight path.

N the original design of the W e n t e 1 transmitter the effective diaphragm resonance was well above 10,000 c.p.s. T h e new design (Western Electric No.

Absolute calibration forms a valuable diagnostic tool in small- angle neutron scattering experiments and allows the parameters of a given model to be restricted to the set which reproduces the obse

Ionization by electron impact is one of the fundamental processes occurring in electrical discharges; free radicals are prominent species present in molecular gas discharges.

A set of absolute cross sections for electron impact ionization of 27 atoms has been measured from threshold to 200 eV.

Despite the fundamental importance of electron impact ionization cross sections, few accurate absolute measurements have been reported.

Electron impact ionization cross sections have been measured for the halogen atoms F, Cl, Br and l from threshold to 200 eV with an absolute accuracy of +- 14%.

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