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Journ. Ind. and Engr. Client., Vol. 19, p. 531, 1927. 546 Insitute of Metals Division, A. I. M. E., February 15, 1927. Wire, Vol. 2, p. 161, 1927.

Dence against a face of a nickel crystal, and observations were made upon the diffraction beams which issued from the incidence side of the crystal at various critical speeds of bombardment.

Electrical Communication, July , 1925. Physical Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, page 71, July, 1925. Physical Review, Vol. 25, No. 6, page 808, June, 1925.

The two expressions are indistinguishable in the range of the measurements. Light Waves in Metals THORNTON C. FRY.

Or imperfections are independent of the uniform field and are given by the usual expressions derived for zero field.

Elec. Eng., 70, pp. 692-093, Aug. 1951. Low terminal costs and single-cable operation make this the first economically practical carrier system for medium-haul telephone circuits.

* Certain cf these papers are available as Bell System Monographs and may be obtained on request to the Publication Department, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 463 West Street, New York 14, N.

Telephone-System Applications of Recorded Machine Announcements, A.I.E.E., Trans., Commun. & Electronics 8, pp. 478-483, Sept., 1953. BIELING, D . , see D. EDELSON. BIGGS, B . S . 1 and W .

Electrochemical Industry. R. M. BURNS1. Bibliography. Ind. & Engg. Chem., v. 43, pp. 301-304, Feb., 1951. Cracking of Stressed Polyethylene; Ejfect of Chemical Environment * J. B.

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