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WEAF, the radio call letters which for nearly a quarter of a century designated a broadcasting station famous for its pioneering achievements, ceased last November to have its old significance.

Corrosion, October 1947. Electrical Engineering, November 1947. Proc. I. R. E.--Waves and Electrons Section, November 1947. 4 Proc. J. R. E., November 1947.

Electrons and the crystal trap density. Experiments are described which lead to a hypothesis of space charge neutralization.

Proc. I.R.E., October 1940. Pick-Ups, August 1940.

Elec'l. Engg., Transactions Section, Proc. I. R. E., June 1942. September 1942.

Oscillators of around 100 megacycles and shows both theoretically and experimentally that the highest stability found by many is only the result of fortuitous circuit adjustment that may readily le

Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors Jour. Applied Physics, October 1944. FM and Television, November 1944.

Published by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1945.

Depends upon the frequency, the intensity and the overtone structure of the sound wave transmitting the tone.

Jour. Amer. Chemical Soc., May 1947. Indus. & Engg. Chern., September 1947. Telephony, August 30, 1947.

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