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A seated position repeated a fifteen-second sample of connected speech, while r.m.s.

And in the work here reported 0 has been measured in the range 0.33 X to 1 X. Experiment has shown that in this range 0 is that theoretically calculable for a Hertzian doublet.

Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., July, 1930. Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., July, 1930. Science, Nov. 7, 1930.

2. The current is proportional to the voltage only so long as the current is small; otherwise the products of electrolysis alter the conductivity. 3.

Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources Physics, November, 1932.

Proc. I. R. E., October, 1933. Proc. I. R. E,, September, 1933. Proc. I. R. E., October, 1933. 159 160 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL sun.

Physics, September, 1935. Physics, September, 1935. 172 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL ARTICLES 173 enhances the effect. With an extreme preliminary anneal of 1400° C.

Electricity in Gases. KARL K. DARROW. The material in this paper was presented as the Joseph W.

Jour, of Applied. Physics, September 1937. R. M. A. Engineer, November 1937. Phys. Rev., November 1, 1937.

Early days of science, the elementary particles which scientists and philosophers alike saw fit to postulate were always imagined as chargeless.

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