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The main contribution of this paper is a new scheme called ACCEL-RATE that, for a specified level of accuracy, can achieve orders of magnitude decrease in per-flow rate estimation times.

The Bitcoin blockchain is a secure, distributed ledger that enable trusted transactions across untrusted entities.

A presentation for the Code::Dive 2023 conference on the co-simulation and machine learning based constrained random verification flow.

A presentation for the DVCon 2023 conference, showing a summary of the paper "Accelerate Functional Coverage Closure Using Machine-Learning-Based Test Selection"

Research on atmospheric corrosion and degradation of electronic materials and assemblies is usually carried out without considering the potential effects of airborne submicron particles, most of wh

We have proposed a method of accelerated outage probability testing (AOPT), analogous to the accelerated aging testing (AAT) for the device reliability test.

Efficiently transmitting data in wireless mesh networks requires an integrated routing and radio resource allocation strategy.

Efficiently transmitting data in wireless networks requires an integrated routing and radio resource allocation strategy.

Many structured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have been proposed as distributed hash tables (DHTs) for fast and efficient lookup of queries.

© 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement Conventional computing architectures have no known efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization

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