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A Metallographic Study of Tungsten Carbide Alloys? J. L. GREGG and C. W. KUTTNER.

Determination of the Average Size of the R. M. BOZORTH and J. F. DIL- Magnetization} LINGER.

This paper describes a visual indicating meter for the measurement of noise and other sounds. Its design is based on the known characteristics of sound and hearing, which are summarized.

Stations are nonisochronous and transmit different programs.

Thermionic and Adsorption Characteristics of Thorium on Tungsten} and JOSEPHA. BECKER .

Is a critical correlation of the slope and intercept of experimental Richardson lines with the quantities appearing in theoretical equationsbased on thermodynamic and statistical reasoning.

Selective network and then impressing the output voltages upon the grid of a detector.

Another phase of radio with automobiles is the use of broadcast receivers in pleasure cars.

And LOYD E. HUNT. The continuous records of the field strength received over a 60-kilometer path on a frequency of 150 megacycles for the year 1936 are analyzed.

Ship Equipment for Harbor and Coastal Radio Telephone Service} R. S. BAIR.

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