Proc. Avier. Wood-Preservers' Assoc., 1940. 2 Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., July 1940. 3 Electrical Engineering, July 1940.
Quently, copious references to the experimental results of other workers have been included.
The changes in emission from a coated filament produced by changes in plate potential and by currents sent into or drawn from it, are ascribed to electrolysis of the oxide.
Trans. Amer. Electrochemical Soc., Vol. LYI1I, 1930.
A new high vacuum pumping system is described in which oil is used in a diffusion type pump, and a trap containing activated cocoanut charcoal replaces the usual liquid air trap.
North Atlantic Ship-Shore Radio Telephone Transmission During 1930 and 1931} CLIFFORD N . ANDERSON.
Elec. Engg., January, 1934. Elec. Engg., December, 1933. Jour. S. M. P. £ . , February, 1934. Proc. I. R. E., January, 1934.
Standardization of Noise Meters.2 R . G . MCCURDY.
Transactions, Amer. Soc. for Metals, December, 1935. Proc. I. R. E., February, 1936. 349 350 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Applications of X-Ray Photography in Industrial Development Work} J. R.
Elec. Engg., March 1938. Jour. S. M. P. E., January 1938. Phys. Rev., January 15, 1938. 319 320 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Composition and Structure of Hevea Latex.* A. R. KEMP.