Two reciprocal theorems, the generalized Rayleigh theorem and the Sommerfeld-Pfrang theorem, are of great theoretical importance in radio communication.
In answer to the first question emphasis is laid on the virtual identity between Laplace's generating function and the Cauchy-Poincaire characteristic function, on the close approach of Laplace's a
Proc. I. R. E., July, 1931. Trans. Electrochemical Soc., Vol. LIX, 1931. 684 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL ARTICLES 685 1.
Some Recent Developments in Underground Conduit Construction in the Bell System.2 A. L. Fox.
Tested is built into an opening between two adjacent but structurally isolated rooms.
Radio Engineering, June, 1934. Proc. I. R. E., August, 1934. Jour. Op. Soc. Am., August, 1934.
Indus. & Engg. Chem., Analytical Edition, July 15, 1935. Radio Engg., August, 1935. Elec. Engg., August, 1935.
Published by Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y., September, 1936.
Jour, of Applied, Physics, June 1937. Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., July 1937. Electrical Engineering, September 1937.
Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 2 Proc. Nat'I. Acad. Sci., July 1938. Phys. Rev., September 15, 1938.