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A Portable, Direct-Reading Microwave Noise Generator. E . L . CHIN Proc. Inst. Kculio Engrs., 4 0 , pp. 1G0-1G4, Feb., 1952. (Monograph 1939).

Formative of Negative Ions of Sulfur Hexafluoride, J. Chem. Phys., 21, p p . 119-124, Jan . , 1953.

ANDERSON 1 . Phys. Rev., 83, p. 1260, S e p t . 15, 1951. Post-War Achievements of Bell Laboratories, I. Tel. Mag., 30, p p . 163 - 173 , Autumn , 1951. Filamentary O. E. BUCKLEY1.

Elusions which are useful to circuit and device design are reached. The analysis is deemed sufficiently accurate for first-order equilibrium calculations.

Control of Noise and Crosstalk on N1 Carrier Systems, A.I.E.E. Trans., Commun . & Electronics, 9, pp. 605-611, N o v . , 1953. BENEDICT, T. S.

To account for the non-uniformities in the electrical properties of diamond, particularly those observed in bombardment conduction, the proposal is made that the well-known lattice imperfections ar

Concept of Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Ferromagnetic Materials, Letter to the Editor, Phys. Rev., 88, pp. 1214, Dec. 1, 1952. BALASHEK, BAND, W . , BEACH, A . S., see K. see R . A. H. Davis.

A description is given of a system made up of experimental electrodes and an oscilloscope by means of which the potential across the electrodes can be recorded with a time resolution of about 10~9

Electrical Delay Lines for Digital Computer Applications, I.R.E., Trans. P.G.E.C., 2, pp. 5-13, June, 1953.

Natl. Electronics Conference, Proc.. v. 6, pp. 441 - 442 , 1950 .

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