Multiple delay simulation [1] is an efficient way of providing the circuit designer with timing information about the circuit.
It is often very difficult for circuit designers to exactly model critical paths because actual layout is not complete.
We obtain an accurate density-functional exchange-correlation potential, V(xc)(r), for silicon, from calculations of the self-energy siguna(r,r' ,omega).
Theory of normal mode propagation in a line-ofsight street scenario is extended to include propagation into buildings through coupling to a diffuse indoor field.
In this memorandum an accurate method of determining the effective cutoff wavelength of single-mode optical fibers is presented.
A previously established inner bound on the capacity region of two-sender, two-receiver interference channels where one transmitter knows both messages is evaluated for Gaussian channels.
General translating devices for rapid conversion of numerical data into a continuous analog signal 1 make it possible for a digital computer to produce interesting and useful sounds, among them mus
Although a significant amount of research attention has been devoted to microphone-array beamforming, the performance of all the developed algorithms in practical acoustic environments is still far
An analogue-digital convertor that employs an acoustic-surface-wave transducer code plate is described. An experimental a.d.
Multicast delivery is an efficient approach to the provision of a video-on-demand (VoD) service. Interacting with the video stream is a desirable feature for users.