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Space-division multiplexed (SDM) systems use multiple spatial-paths in multimode or multi-core fiber to increase the capacity and/or photon-efficiency carried by an optical fiber.

We have demonstrated an amplifying waveguide optical isolator with an integrated electromagnet. This provides a solution to the generally poor magnetic remanence of this type of isolator.

This paper presents some new aspects of mixer operation and shows that the behavior of a mixer, using a resistive diode, can in general be represented by means of an equivalent circuit consisting o

We investigate the amplitude and phase noise of an optical frequency comb based on InAs/InP quantum-dash mode-locked laser. The laser demonstrates low relative intensity noise (

A shot noise, I(t), is a superposition of impulses occurring at random times · · · , t-, to, h , ti, · · · . If the impulses all have the same shape, F(t), then i{t) = E / ' U - u).

Noise on telephone channels has been measured for years with instruments which are constructed to enable reasonably good correlations between the reading obtained and the annoyance of the noise dur

We apply a recently-developed method for the analysis of spatiotemporal data to extract the dynamical equations that describe an experiment on traveling-wave convection in a binary fluid.

Injection-locked quantum dash laser exhibits a different FM-to-AM ratio as compared to the solitary one. Optical injection enhances the FM-AM phase difference.

We developed a three terminal mid-infrared quantum cascade laser.

1024 J 042 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JULY 1 9 5 8 Before launching into the modulation theory of limiters, it is first necessary to point out some of the inadequacies of some current conce

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How Nokia Bell Labs re-conceptualized the cellular network for the Moon