Ambipolar field-effect transistors based on single crystals of a variety of organic semiconductors (pentacene, tetracene, sexithiophene, perylene, C(60)) are demonstrated.
Organic thin film field effect transistors of water-soluble cationic and anionic phthalocyanine derivatives were successfully prepared using the layer-by-layer deposition technique.
Organic thin film field effect transistors of water soluble phthalocyanine derivatives containing both cationic and anionic end groups were successfully prepared using the layer-by-layer deposition
Organic field-effect transistors based on pentacene single crystals, prepared with an amorphous aluminum oxide gate insulator, are capable of ambipolar operation and can be used for the preparation
oDragono was a piece of Rapid Analytic Machinery built in America in 1944, and it was used at Bletchley Park to help solve the German Tunny cipher.
5-HT, DA and SCP sub B can activate adenylate cyclase and increase the intracellular cAMP levels in the Limax PC lobe, with differing time courses and to differing extents.
The process of amorphizaton of Si(001) by ultra low energy (0.5 keV B sup + and 5 keV si sup +) ion implantation is investigated using high-resolution RBS/channeling with depth resolution better th
Two long-term reliability issues for silica based optical waveguides used in adverse environments are strength degradations by static fatigue and optical loss increases due to hydrogen diffusion in
We describe the development of amorphous carbon (a-C) films grown by magnetron sputtering for use in optical elements for sub-0.25-micron DUV lithography.
The work reported in this memo follows that described in memo #11524-861031-51TM.