We show that optical and electrical measurements on pentacene single crystals can be used to extract the density of states in the highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbi
Mannila and Ukkonen have studied a variant of the classical disjoint set union (equivalence) problem in which an extra operation, called deunion, can undo the most recently performed union operatio
Motivated by a recent line of work improving the performance of secure two-party computation (2PC), we consider 2PC in the practically important multiple execution setting, where two parties wish t
In homogeneous solutions, redox enzymes accept electrons from, and transfer electrons to, small redox ions or molecules, but do not exchange electrons with simple metal electrodes.
The synthesis, characterization, and solid-state morphology of regioregular, amphiphilic polythiophenes based on 3-dodecyl-3'-(3,6,9,12-tetraoxatridecanyl)-2',5-bithiophene are described.
AMPF, a language for expressing mathematical programming problems, is being developed by Robert Fourer, David Gay, and Brian Kernighan (subsequently referred to as "we").
Practical large-scale linear programming involves more than just the optimization of a linear objective function subject to constraint equations and inequalities.
Practical large-scale linear programming involves more than just the optimization of a linear objective function subject to constraint equations and inequalities.
A novel pulse-compression scheme is proposed and demonstrated for compressing weak picosecond pulses having energies as small as 0.1 pJ.
We built an optical Few Mode Amplifier supporting 5 modes. Moderate crosstalk between modes has been measured thanks to careful design and alignment optimization.