Intrachannel four-wave mixing (IFWM) in highly dispersed differential-phase-shift-keyed (DPSK) transmission systems is studied with a simple analytical model and numerical simulation.
Digital subscriber line (DSL) data rates for short loops are typically limited by crosstalk between adjacent lines rather than by background noise.
The new lightwave long-haul transmission systems typically use Surface-Acoustic-Wave (SAW) filters for timing recovery, in place of the phaselocked loops favored in slower systems.
We propose and analyze algorithms to achieve k- anonymity for streaming location data.
The Kerr effect in an intensity modulated direct detection subcarrier multiplexed system with multiple optical carriers is investigated in this paper.
The beam propagation method, based on the parabolic approximation to the wave equation, is used in conjunction with Papoulis' redefinition for optical fields of Woodward's ambiguity function.
Wireless operators incorporate multiradio access technologies aiming at expanding their customer base and benefiting from synergies of existing and planned infrastructure.
In the exploratory Fiber Optic (FO) cables used in the Atlanta Fiberguide System Experiment, 12 optical fiber ribbons each containing 12 fibers are stacked one on top of the other to form a rectang
An analytical expression for the signal distortion that results from the loss ripple in the pass-band of an optical component is derived.
An analytical expression for the signal distortion that results from the loss ripple in the pass-band of an optical component is derived.