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Displaying 6021 - 6030 of 47501

We present a theory for Raman amplification in few-mode fibers based on the real (non LP) waveguide modes of the fiber.

A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of Ge(111) surface within 2% of Ge bulk melting temperature T sub m has been analyzed statistically, and the results have been applied in a discussion of low e

Impact performance is a primary concern in many applications of polymers.

We study the reduction of PMD (polarization-mode dispersion) induced system outage probabilities by equalization of the channel(s) with the worst performance in a WDM signal.

This paper presents an approach to analyse mutual coupling effects in reflectarrays. It consists in simulating each radiating cell with its actual neighbouring cells, either identical or not.

Different ways of supplying a liquid film with lubricant initially contained in a porous structure have been investigated experimentally: centrifugation, creeping by roughness or thermal effects.

When a manufacturing environment involves test/repair cycles (until the product is judged defect free), many operating strategies effect the overall performance as measured by the service level, re

A theoretical and experimental investigation of reflectograms obtained for a distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor laser using a phase-controlled high-resolution optical low-coherence reflectome

Techniques for the planning of multi-service telecommunications networks over a multi-period scenario are proposed, based on routing optimisation to reduce network cost by removing DWDM transmissio

This paper presents the spatially dependent analysis of the frequency behavior of an InP/InGasAs UTC-HPT. It outlines the steps needed to perform phototransistor characterization.