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Energy efficiency has been widely considered an important target for the management of Wavelength Division Multiplexing-based core optical networks, triggering signif- icant research efforts about

In a recent paper 1 we have presented measurements of the Nernst effect and the change of thermoelectric power in a magnetic field for n-type germanium of high purity.

Pilot symbol assisted modulation schemes are used on fading channels to enable coherent demodulation at the receiver.

Fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks enable many vehicular communication applications by providing wireless interfaces for the exchange of messages among vehicles [vehicle to vehicle (V2V)] and

In this paper we complement the overview of the basic baseband modulation in high-speed electrical interconnects by a detailed analysis of the equalization.

One of the main challenges in future ldquoAll-IPrdquo networks is to guarantee seamless mobility with minimal or even without any interaction from the user.

The analysis of annular magnetic core inductors in terms of the desired characteristics and the properties of their components entails adjustments of core and winding dimensions, and the selection

Many mobile telephone and personal paging systems require signaling simultaneously from multiple transmitters.

Radiation induced losses in rare earth doped fibers is analyzed in a novel manner. The mastercurve approach is used for analyzing stability of defects induced by radiation.

Recursive state machines (RSMs) enhance the power of ordinary state machines by allowing vertices to correspond either to ordinary states or to potentially recursive invocations of other state mach