The magnetic and transport properties of pyrochlore R2Mo2O7 have been studied with variation of the rare earth (R).
Slow evaporation of toluene from poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide), PPO, at 23 degrees C produced crystals which melt between 185 and 265 degrees C and have a crystallinity of 0.58.
Melting of charge-ordered state in (La,Ca)MnO sub 3 and (Pr,Ca)MnO sub 3 is characterized by an anomalously large decrease of the wave vector as much as 25% through the transition.
The effect of curvature of the liquid-solid interface of the Czochralski silicon crystal on microdefect occurrence is examined via the crystal's oxygen precipitation behavior.
It is shown that this effect is associated with photoexcitation of electrons from DX centers in the highly doped AlGaAs region resulting in the creation of a second conducting layer of high charg
He-atom-diffraction indicates unexpected reconstructions of the (001) surfaces of AgBr and NaCl.
Generally the spectrum of a laser diode shifts to long wavelength with increasing temperature.
The two-dimensional electron system is a powerful laboratory for investigating the physics of interacting particles.
The intrinsic linewidth Gamma(TA) of the transverse acoustic phonon observed in the relaxor ferroelectric compound Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)(0.8)Ti0.2O3 (PMN-20%PT) begins to broaden with decreasing temperatu
Big data analytics and machine learning applications are often used to detect and classify anomalous behaviour in telecom network measurement data.