In this paper, we propose techniques for building a low-cost passive monitoring infrastructure for detection and diagnosis of link-level anomalies from path level measurements.
In recent years, network anomaly detection has become an important area for both commercial interests as well as academic research.
The case study part of the tutorial will feature a hands-on session on applying machine learning techniques, such as neural network based Kohonen Self Organizing Maps (SOM), and the use of visual
This work presents a methodology that correlates the supply current of a smart device to its functional characteristics in order to detect a manufacturing or a security anomaly in IoT devices.
Communications traffic on wireless networks generates large amounts of metadata on a continuous basis across the various servers involved in the communication session.
Recently, with the increased use of network communication, the risk of compromising the information has grown immensely.
The increasing use of RFID tags in many applications have brought forth valid concerns of privacy and anonymity among users.
In this paper, a technique for improving parallel interference cancellation (PIC) receivers with linear estimators is studied in a CDMA system under power control and near-far case.
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