The increasing need for performing expensive computations has motivated outsourced computing, as in crowdsourced applications leveraging worker cloud nodes.
The exponential growth of media streaming traffic will have a strong impact on the bandwidth consumption of the future wireless infrastructure.
In this paper, a radically new anticipatory perspective is taken into account when designing the user-To-Access point (AP) associations for indoor visible light communications (VLC) networks, in th
In this letter, we consider the problem of resource allocation for streaming video users provided that their future average channel condition is known to some extent to the serving base station.
The next trend for information technology is addressing issues before they become problems.
Dynamically sharing the network resources in a sliced multi-tenant network can provide cost efficient solutions that are able to guarantee specific service requirements for 5G and beyond networks.
Anticipatory resource allocation in wireless networks, presentation for the "47. meeting of the VDE/ITG-Fachgruppe 5.2.4"
Magnetic and dielectric properties have been investigated for a mixed-crystal system Tb1-xGdxMnO3 in between TbMnO3 with ferroelectric and incommensurate antiferromagnetic (AFM) orders and GdMnO3 w
Neutron diffraction studies show that the phase transition at 6.5K in U(0.95)Th(0.05)Pt(3) is to an antiferromagnetic ground state.
We review the results of inelastic polarized and unpolarized magnetic neutron scattering measurements on the heavy fermion superconductor UPt(3).