Seemingly attractive schemes for compressing the bandwidth of television signals sometimes render the signal highly sensitive to noise.
Reliable thermal management is a key aspect in the operation of telecommunications equipment, both photonic and electronic.
So that books published by the National Council of Teachers of English can be protected by copyright against unauthorized use, it is necessary that consent to publish be obtained from authors, edit
The BitTorrent file-sharing application has recently been criticized for its undesirable impact on the underlying native network[9, 11].
One main objective of this article is to discuss UMTS network enhancement by the techniques mentioned above.
By means of system simulation, this paper identifies that self organizing principles are applicable to heterogeneous network deployments and further identifies requirements towards the respective a
The application of sixty-four state quadrature amplitude modulation (64-QAM) digital radio technology for a capacity of 140 Mb/s in the lower six gigahertz band (5.9 to 6.4 GHz) is presented.
Distributed Processing is not a new concept, and neither are distributed systems.
The rapid advancements in optical networking have increased the capacity of physical links.
The effect of an integrated circuit's application can have a profound effect on its single-event transient response.