The rapid advances in digital and lightwave technology permit the realization of significantly new communications capability via undersea cable systems.
During the past few years, significant progress has been made in defining high capacity constraints which prohibit specified differences between constrained sequences, thus ensuring that the minimu
An algorithm recently introduced to design vector quantizers for optimal joint performance with entropy codes is applied to waveform coding of monochrome images.
Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers show promise for use in CATV networks. However, there are major limitations on the usefulness of these devices in this application.
Modern bug tracking systems may be armed with automated bug report assignment functionality that facilitates bug classification or bug assignment to proper development group.
In indoor mobile radio environments, the signal strength received in a mobile terminal vary due to amplitude fading that can be modelled by several distributions, such as Lognormal, Rayleigh, Rice,
In summary we have demonstrated a fiber Bragg grating discriminator and tap monitor module for use in a low-chirp, high-power directly modulated RZ source at 10 Gb/s for ultra-long haul DWDM transm
While most of the stimulus for the rapid development and extensive deployment of optical fiber technology seen in recent years has come from the communications industry, many significant new applic
We studied the fluid flow behavior of a ceramic slurry during tape casting, which is an important forming process of multilayer capacitors and packages.
Commercially available Focused Ion Bean (FIB) workstations with spatial resolution of 5 to 7 nm can prepare specimens with excellent lateral resolution.