Enabled by the seemingly never-ending progress of silicon technology, the scope of the task of developing an IC has been broadening-orders of magnitude beyond that which worried industry leaders in
We describe the resonant interaction of an atom with a strongly focused light beam by expanding the field in multipole waves.
We will describe a recent prototype system designed for analysis of manufacturing.
Attachement reliability was identified early as an impediment to the full realization of the predicted board real estate benefits of Chip Scale packages (CSP).
Long-term solder attachment reliability for Surface Mount (SM) components is established through accelerated thermal cycling of test vehicles.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Shows how the definitions of the attenuation and Q-factors for coaxial lines and resonant circuits can be generalized to obtain attenuation per unit length for each wave structure propagated at a d
Formulaelig are given by which, when the attenuation per unit length is a quadratic function of current, it is possible to calculate the overall attenuation of a line for various current strengths
The development of ferrite materials having high permeability and low loss at high frequencies has raised again the question of continuous loading of coaxial cables.
Free-space based channelized dynamic spectral equalizers are theoretically investigated for two active device technologies: liquid crystal modulators and tilting micro-mirrors.