Attribute-based methods provide authorization to parties based on whether their set of attributes (e.g., age, organization, etc.) fulfills a policy.
A large number of manned modules are being progressively launched to the International Space Station (ISS) and integrated on-orbit, required to be operated and maintained over long on-orbit stay ti
It has lioon demonstrated that under suitable conditions a metal-tosemiconductor rectifying contact may exhibit characteristics predictable from the simple theories advanced by Schottky 1 and Bothe
The alloyed ohmic contact of AuBe (1% by weight Be) to 5 .
NY sound transmission system, if it is to give faithful reproduction, should transmit all the audible frequencies of a sound in their proper relative intensities.
Audience Meter is an application that estimates the number of attendees in an event throughout the time by applying a state-of-the-art face detection algorithm.
Terminating equipment for the audio link between studio and transmitter is described.
A novel concept for perceptual audio coding is presented which is based on the addition of a pre- and post-filter controlled by a psychoacoustic model to a transform coding scheme.
We study the application of parametric piecewise modeling (PPM), a novel coding technique, for audio coding. PPM is based on either the polynomial, Bezier or Chebyshev parametric representation.
I N connection with a study of communication problems, observations of submarine cable interference were made over periods totaling about 20 months during the years 1928 to 1931.