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In this paper, we design a control strategy for a rotating, unbalanced disk.

AutoGait is a mobile platform that accurately estimates the distance walked by leveraging Global Positioning System (GPS) in off-the-shelf mobile devices and pressure sensors in the SmartShoe platf

The invention of modern computers seems to have been anticipated by many years by Turing. 1 Vet it is remarkable how little the progress of computers has been influenced by Turing's work.

Here, we propose to consider automata directly as abstract systems, and show that the resulting framework is complete.

We present a new technique for obtaining decision procedures for modal logics of programs.

With higher baudrates and progression of coherent in metro networks, optical links are increasingly subject to capacity-limiting filter penalties from routing nodes.

A method using an image digitizing system with a minicomputer to automatically determine surface displacement by evaluating holo-interferometric fringe patterns is presented.

Automated construction of knowledge hierarchies from huge data corpora is gaining increasing attention in recent years, in order to tackle the infeasibility of manually extracting and semantically

An automated Built-In Self-Test (BIST) technique for general sequential logic is described.

This talk will be presented as a part of a Division 551 Afirmative Action program for women and minority students.