Argos is a validation language for data communication protocols.
Nowadays, intrusion detection systems do not only aim to detect attacks; but they go beyond by providing reaction mechanisms to cope with detected attacks, or at least reduce their effects.
The CRAS system helps Outside Plant Maintenance (OSPM) managers to identify people and plant items that need attention on a priority basis.
Vol. 61, No. 6 July-August 1982 Printed in U.S.A. Automated Repair Service Bureau: Data Base System By C. M. FRANKLIN and J. F.
Throughout the conception, development, and deployment of the Automated Repair Service Bureau (ARSB) systems, economic studies have played a continuing and important role.
Since 1971, Bell Telephone Laboratories has focused considerable attention on Repair Service Bureau (RSB) operations.
In this issue, individuals from the disciplines of software, hardware, and systems engineering relate the design and development of A R S B systems from their perspectives.
The Mechanized Loop Testing (MLT) system is a major functional unit of the Automated Repair Service Bureau (ARSB) which automatically tests and analyzes the condition of customer loops.
The testing of a subscriber loop is presently undergoing a fundamental and dramatic improvement because of the introduction of the Mechanized Loop Testing (MLT) system.
On-line Documentation: Mechanizing Development, Delivery, and Use By R. J. G L U S H K O and M. H.