Results are given of experimental transmissions on 3000 Mc/s in the Western Mediterranean. The equipment is described in detail.
Interconnection dimensions are becoming more important due to electrical signal timing requirements and stray effects, such as unwanted inductance, leading to increasingly denser packaging.
(Title was originally The Border Gateway Reservation Protocol (BGRP) for Tree-Based Aggregation of Inter-Domain Reservations) Resource reservation needs to accommodate the rapidly growing size and
Demonstration of 50G duobinary PON transmission using 25G APD-based receiver.
We demonstrate 50G duobinary PON transmission using a commercial 25G APD-based receiver.
An error-free transmission experiment in bidirectional unrepeatered configuration over 436 km is reported.
We demonstrate a 60-km CWDM-TDM PON with 40 Gb/s capacity both down and upstream.
A unipolar semiconductor laser functioning in both positive and negative bias-polarity is reported.
A recent paper by H. Maeda et al. reported the discovery of a new 120K superconductor based on a rare earth-free ceramic material in the bismuth- strontium-calcium-copper-oxide system.
The new compound Bi2/3Ce1/3Rh2O5 has been discovered. It is currently the only known compound in the Bi-Ce-Rh-O system, and it crystallizes in a previously unknown structure type.