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Nature produces a wide variety of exquisite mineralized tissues fulfilling diverse functions, and often from simple inorganic salts.

Nature's redox enzymes function at different electrochemical potentials.

Over the past 50 years, significant advances have been made in the characterization of radio-frequency/microwave (RF/MW) fields (3 kHz-300 GHz) and energy absorption, as well as in the quantificati

We have discovered and characterized semiconductor particles made by a biological process.

Biological systems have, through the course of time, evolved unique solutions for complex optical problems. This is often achieved through a sophisticated control of fine structural features.

A mathematical theory of biological pattern formation was formulated by A. Turing in his classic 1952 paper.

Reduced glucose oxidase and D-amino-acid oxidase do not directly transfer electrons to metal or carbon electrodes, because the distance between their redox centers and the electrodes' surface excee

Damaschke et al. gave a polynomial time algorithm to solve the minimum dominating set problem in {em convex} bipartite graphs $B=(X cup Y,E)$.

Jumping-droplet condensation on rough superhydrophobic surfaces exhibits increased heat-transfer rates when compared with dropwise condensation on smooth hydrophobic surfaces.

The robust generation and manipulation of entangled multiphoton states on-chip has an essential role in quantum computation and communication.